Banwarilal Purohit, the Union Territory (UT) administrator, said that it is compulsory for all private Chandigarh Schools to have at least 25 per cent of the seats reserved for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS). To implement the Right to Education and to accommodate the students who have been precluded from class 10 due to a shortage of seats, Purohit added that the UT government will hammer out a plan.
He announced these schemes on Tuesday, 24th of November, when he addressed a meeting of the Advisory Council at Hotel Mountview in Chandigarh. He was also the chair of this meeting. Moreover, he also announced the Union Territory administration is working on the establishment of 10 new schools in the city in order to better implement the Right to Education policy so that no child is left behind.
During the meeting, the advisor to the administrator Dharam Pal also highlighted some of the key achievements of the city. The environment committee also gave various suggestions like making optimal use of digital technologies like emails in order to reduce the use of paper, implementing various CSR policies for the disposal of plastic waste, etc.