360° holistic profile for every student! – Amit Garg, Founder, iDigizen

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Amit Garg, founder of iDigizen, is an Ex-Synopsys scientist and chief product architect having over 25+ years of global experience in multiple domains across various technology sectors. A Delhi Technical University alumnus with a major in Electronics and Communications, he holds more than half a dozen international patents in the domain of semi-conductor design. iDigizen’s vision is to enable every individual excel in their respective passions, thus creating a happy and harmonious society of iDigizeners (integrated Digital Citizens).

Psychometric assessments combined with 360° holistic profile can be the panacea for career guidance. iDigizen’s iProfile is the solution

Do what you love and success will follow, so goes the saying. When you work in the field you love, you automatically work with passion resulting in excellence. The problem has been the lack of systematic guidance to channelize interests into fulfilling careers. This gap has now been addressed with iDigizen’s iProfile, an open system for schools, parents, students, external test and examination bodies like Olympiads. It enables continuous building and cataloging of learning records and achievements.

Psychometric assessments for career guidance just by themselves fall short as they are based on one or at most a few sample points. Efficacy of these assessments can be significantly enhanced with a year-on-year holistic 360° learning and development profile. This profile will provide valuable insights into long term learning trends, interests, natural talents, and strengths of the student. iDigizen’s iProfile, a Cloud based open system providing anytime, anywhere access with multi-agency collaboration for development of 360° integrated profile is the first of its kind.

It enables every student to collate their learning achievements and provides insights to parents and teachers on the year-on-year performance of the student. Categorization and segmentation of learning achievements further enables the teachers and parents to identify key strengths and focus areas for every child.

iProfile development requires inputs from all stake holders. iDigizen’s state-of-the-art activity, event management, and 360° feedback system for schools and off-school activity centres eases operation in the hands of students, parents, teachers and off-school activity coordinators.

At the time of career and stream selection, teachers, parents, and the students themselves have very little insights into the overall strengths, acumen, and interests of the student. The lack of these insights forces parents and students to make sub-optimal career/stream choices leading to long term disenchantment.

iDigizen’s iProfile is the only system in India that empowers students to build and manage their own holistic profile. What is more, iProfile’s focus on 360° learning achievement collation and its “teacher solution” complete the requirements of NEP2020 to provide 360° feedback and enable skill-based development of students.

iDigizen enables people to choose careers aligned with their interests and passions that make them happy and strive for success. At iDigizen we hope that this will lead to fuelling the entrepreneurial ecosystem in lots of novel and untapped fields in today’s rapidly evolving career landscape.

iDigizen’s : https://www.idigizen.com/izpreneur

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