Adobe has partnered with India’s Ministry of Education to transform creative expression in educational environments through the utilization of Adobe Express. Adobe Express, an AI-powered content creation application, empowers users to easily generate a wide array of content, including posters, animated videos, web pages, PDFs, and more, all in a fast and user-friendly manner.
This important partnership was officially announced during a signing ceremony presided over by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, the Honourable Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship for the Government of India. The event took place during the prestigious G-20 Leaders’ Summit held in India.
This groundbreaking initiative, driven by an Adobe Express-based curriculum supplemented with comprehensive training and certification programs, aspires to impact 20 million students and 500,000 educators across India by 2027. Its primary objective is to foster advanced collaboration, communication, and creative skills within the educational sphere. This initiative extends to K-12 schools nationwide, providing complimentary access to Adobe Express Premium, accompanied by extensive professional development opportunities for teachers. The curriculum, enriched with Adobe Express tools, probes into creativity, generative AI, design, animation, video production, and other cutting-edge technologies, equipping both students and educators alike. Successful completion of the training leads to educators earning the Adobe Creative Educators certification.
According to Shri. Dharmendra Pradhan, the Honourable Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship, Government of India, in this era of digitalization, this collaboration sets a pioneering standard and paves the way for novel concepts, innovation, and creativity in education.