Amazing Facts about Salt


Ever imagined how incomplete our lives would get if we all ran out of the very common substances we use in our daily life? For example, salt. Salt is the major component in our lives. In fact, humans need salt to survive as our bodies require sodium to transmit nerve impulses, contract muscle fibres, and control fluid balance in the cells of the body–together with other electrolytes like potassium.

1. Pound bars of salt were used as basic currency in Ethiopia in the 20th century

2. 75% of the salt we consume is hidden in the food we buy.

3. Reducing sodium intake in the diet is associated with lower risks of headaches.

4. After aviation fuel is purified, salt needs to be mixed with it to remove all traces of water before it can be used.

5. An adult body contains approximately 250 grams of salt.

6. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, in 2016, about 44 percent of salt went towards de-icing roads. Only three percent was used in agricultural and food processing.

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