BSEB announces date for the application of scrutiny and compartment exams


The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is set to commence the application process for both the scrutiny of Class 12 results and compartment exams on March 28, 2024.

The scrutiny process by the Bihar board is aimed at candidates who aren’t happy with the recently announced Bihar board inter 2024 results and wish to request a reevaluation of their exam papers to potentially improve their scores. Likewise, the BSEB compartment exams are intended for students who have been placed in the compartment category.

Links to apply for both the BSEB inter scrutiny and compartment exams will be available until April 4, 2024. As for the BSEB Class 12 compartment exam dates, they have not been disclosed yet. The board has announced that the revised results subsequent to the BSEB Class 12 inter-compartment exams will be released by May 31,2024  as per the announcement made during the declaration of the Class 12 results.

The Bihar board announced its results on March 23, 2024, covering exams held from March 23 to April 4, 2024. This year, the overall pass rate rose to 87.21 percent across all streams. Specifically, pass rates were 87.80 percent in science, 86.15 percent in arts, 94.88 percent in commerce, and 85.38 percent in vocational courses, respectively.

A total of 12,91,684 students took the exams this year, with 11,26,439 students passing successfully. However, 1,63,216 students did not pass the intermediate examination.

In 2023, the results for the Inter (Class 12) compartment exam were announced on May 31. Out of 56,061 students who appeared for the exam, 34,792 students passed, resulting in an overall pass rate of 62.06 percent for the Bihar Board compartment exam. Specifically, the pass rates for the arts, commerce, and science streams were 63.51 percent, 71.65 percent, and 60.46 percent respectively.


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