BSEB Class 12 results to be out soon, check the result on their website


The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) will release the Class 12 results for 2024 on their official website soon. More than 1.3 million students are eagerly awaiting for the outcome, with around 677,921 male and 621,431 female candidates. Once the direct link becomes active on the official website –, students can view and download their results. To check the result :-  Visit the official website of BSEB class 12

  1. Click the direct link provided on the homepage.
  2. Input your roll number and date of birth.
  3.  Click the submit button.
  4. Download the document and print it out for future use.

As per the patterns in the past, the education minister typically announces the results. However, official confirmation is yet to be declared.  Alongside the results, authorities will also release a list of top performers and the pass percentage. To expedite assessment, BSEB has incorporated 50% objective-type questions in intermediate exams.

Papers featuring practical components are graded out of 100 marks, with 30 allocated to practicals and 70 to theory. Within the theory portion, 50% (35 marks) are designated as multiple-choice, while the remaining are subjective.


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