The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the results of the second and final term for class 12 at 10 am on Friday, 22 July 2022. Apart from the official websites, candidates may also view their results on, and Owing to the pandemic, the board has given only 30 per cent weightage to the first term while the second term is given 70 percent of the total weightage for theory papers. For practicals, both terms have received equal weightage. The same criteria will be used for the results of class 10, which said to be announced late today at 2 pm, 22nd July, 2022.
Following are some key highlights: –
Of the 1444341 students that registered in 2022, 92.71% passed.
Trivandrum performed the best in the country with a percentage of 98.83 students who passed.
Prayagraj performed the worst with only 83.71 percent of students who passed.
94.54 percent of girls who appeared for the exams, passed while 91.25 percent of boys passed.
Girls have done better than boys by 3.29%.
All (100%) of the transgender students who appeared for the exams have passed.