CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has opened registrations for the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2023. Application of Mathematics in daily life needs development of certain competencies. To promote such competencies among students through joyful assessment, Aryabhata Ganit Challenge is conducted by CBSE. This test will mainly focus on the extent to which students are able to apply mathematics in their daily life. The feedback from the performance of the test will help the Board to handhold the schools and students in the application of mathematics in daily life.
The Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2023 is divided into two levels. Level 1 will be the school level competition that will be conducted by schools. The question paper for the level 1 will be provided by CBSE through its portal. The schools need to download the question paper and conduct the examination. Level 2 of the competition will be a Computer Based Test that will be conducted by CBSE.
Level 1 Test Quick Details
Registration link:
Last date for submitting applications: 25th August, 2023
Availability of question paper through the portal: 28 August to 5 September, 2023
Test to be conducted by the school
Fee: None
Level 2 Test Quick Details
Eligibility: Top 3 students from level, from each registered school
Registration: 15th September to 21st September, 2023
Fee: Rs. 900
Registration link: Can be accessed through the portal
For level 1 of the competition, students of class VIII to X, belonging to CBSE affiliated schools are eligible to take part in the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2023. Affiliated schools can submit applications through the link Last date for submitting applications for level 1 is 25th August, 2023. No fee will be charged for appearing in the level 1 competition. The question paper for level 1 will be made available from 28 August to 5 September, 2023, to the registered schools through the portal. Registered schools will conduct the test using this question paper in order to identify the top three students. In case more than three students score same marks at the top level, a suitable screening test may be conducted by the schools at their own level to identify the top three students.
For level 2 of the competition, top 3 students from each registered school who had appeared for the level 1 are eligible to apply. Schools shall register the names of these top three students by paying online fee of Rs.900/- from 15th September to 21st September, 2023. The link for paying online fee can only be accessed by the schools that are registered for the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) before the last date. A computer-based test will be conducted by the board for the top three students registered from each school on 3rd October, 2023. On successful completion of the second level computer test, top 100 students from each CBSE region will be given Merit certificate.
At level and level 2, the tests will be of one hour duration. The questions will be multiple choice questions (MCQ). Total weightage will be 40 marks and there will be no negative marking.
10 schools from each region with maximum number of student participation in the first stage shall be given an appreciation certificate by the Board. Affiliated schools may encourage their students to participate in the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2023 and avail the opportunity to identify and nurture Mathematical skills and potential of students.