Foreign universities like Oxford, Yale and Stanford will soon open their campuses in India. The initiative comes in a bid to promote higher education in South Asian nations. During the first and second wave of COVID-19, bulk of Indian students returned midway from pursuing their courses abroad. The new policy seeks to award students with reputed foreign university degrees in the confines of their homeland.
On Thursday, the University Grants Commission came out with the draft of the legislation for public feedback. It outlined the rules and regulations for the entry and operation of overseas institutions in the country. Local campuses would have the autonomy to recruit faculty and staff for its campus, decide the admission criteria for local and foreign students, the fee structure and scholarship facilities.
The new legislation would help Indian students obtain foreign university degrees at an affordable cost. It would turn the country into an attractive study destination. India has a large youth population and channelling their potential becomes essential for the country’s development. The new policy is a step forward in creating educational inclusivity and will definitely harbour significant results.