The GATE result of 2022 will be released by IIT Kharagpur on 17th March. The results will be published on their official website. Candidates can check it on GOAPS by providing their enrollment number/email ID and password. The scorecards will be published on 21st March 2022. Candidates can download their scorecards till May 31st 2022.
The GATE result will have the minimum qualifying marks mentioned. The minimum qualifying marks is the criteria one needs to fulfill in order to pursue higher education. The cut off will reflect a number of things like the number of students who appeared for the exam, the raw marks scored and more.
Experts have predicted the following cut offs. However this is not official. It has been prepared by GATE experts and coaching institutions.
Predicted cut offs:
Aerospace Engineering AE 30-35
Agricultural Engineering AG 30-35
Architecture and Planning AR 38-45
Biomedical Engineering BM 25-32
Biotechnology BT 32-36
Civil Engineering CE 26-32
Chemical Engineering CH 32-36
Computer Science CS 28-33
Chemistry CY 30-36
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 24-28
Electrical Engineering EE 36-42
Environmental Science and Engineering ES 26-30
Ecology and Evolution EY 35-42
Geology and Geophysics GG 44-50
Instrumentation Engineering IN 30-36
Mathematics MA 28-35
Mechanical Engineering ME 32-36
Mining Engineering MN 29-35
Metallurgical Engineering MT 47-55
Petroleum Engineering PE 50-55
Physics PH 28-35
Production and Industrial Engineering PI 30-35
Statistics ST 28-35
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF 39-45
Engineering Sciences XE 27-33
Humanities and Social Sciences XH 30-35
LIfe Sciences XL 36-40
The final score of GATE is prepared by taking into account the cut off. Raw marks or normalized marks are important to calculate the GATE score. Raw marks are taken into account for papers that are held only in a session while normalized scores are used for the papers that are held in multiple sessions.
By normalizing the GATE score, IITs ensure that no student lands up in a disadvantageous position. They also do it to standardize the level of difficulty in both the sessions.