The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released the Human Development Rankings where India stands at 130 out of 189 countries. Norway still continues to lead the latest rankings, followed by Switzerland and Australia.
While India’s score on the Human Development Index (HDI) has consistently improved over the past decades, it still fares poorly on some parameters. India’s score has increased from 0.43 in 1990 to 0.49 in 2000 and further to 0.64 in 2017. In 2016, India’s under-five mortality rate stood at 43 out of every 1000 live births. According to UNICEF, India’s under-five mortality rate was at 39 in 2017. Stunting in India is at 37.9% according to The UNDP study.
India has one of the lowest prison population rates at 33 per 100,000. But the homicide rate is still higher. So it is evident that crime in India is still going unpunished. Youth unemployment is estimated at 10.5 per cent in India which can be seen considerably better than past years.