Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, owing to its demonstrated benefits for health and towards stress relief, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21st June as the International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 11th December 2014. On the occasion of International Yoga Day 2023, schools across India have taken this opportunity to make students and parents aware about the rewards that Yoga offers for health and well-being.
Let’s have a look at the vibrant International Day of Yoga celebrations at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School, Chennai
Today yoga day was celebrated in “LALAJI MEMORIAL OMEGA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL”. Though it has rained and the ground was wet we performed yoga asana in the football ground shed. There were total of 20 second year cadets (JD-12, JW-8) who attended the yoga along with the passed out cadets and the ANO demonstrated asana for the cadets to follow. We performed Surya namaskar, Chakrasana, Vrikshasana, Dhanurasana followed by Pranayama, Kapalabhathi, and Anulom vilom with deep breathing pranayama and in the last we finished it by Dhyana (meditation). We had cadets demonstrating asana for the other cadets. Cadets were enjoying their time and it was a good learning for them.
International Day of Yoga Activities at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School, Chennai