The Chief Minister of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah allocated Rs 850 crore on Friday, 16th of Februrary, to enhance the infrastructure of government schools and pre-university colleges including various programs to improve learning outcomes. Furthermore, he announced that more Karnataka Public schools will be established to offer education from pre-primary to pre-university levels and more than 2,000 government schools will be upgraded as bilingual. The University of Vishweshwaraiah College of Engineering will be upgraded, aligned with IITs, with an allocation of Rs 100 crore.
The chief minister, while presenting the state budget for 2024-25 in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly, declared that the Karnataka government is emphasizing on improving infrastructure in government schools and pre-university colleges. He highlighted a significant expenditure of Rs 600 crore in 2023-24 and announced an allocation of Rs 850 crore for the same purpose in the current year.