‘Human Resource in Schools- Managing for Success’ –an imaginative and resourceful book which covers all aspects of Human Resource in K-12 Schools. Written by Anju Dhawan, Human Resource in Schools- Managing for Success shares twenty years of hands-on experience of working closely with schools by the author. It is interwoven with insightful reminiscences, and that forms the main fabric of this book.
The book will help schools deal with HRM challenges and lead them towards success. It also has interesting case studies and insights which can help schools learn from wisdom or mistakes of others. This book is a recommended read for School Managements, Principals and Teachers. The narrative also includes recruitment process, innovative HR practices, best management practices, career guidance, and many other interesting topics.
Priced at Rs. 299, the book is published by Lexicon Books and distributed by Rainbow Book Distributor.
The author, Anju Dhawan is founder of ’SMS Consultants’ a company providing professional Human Resource services to K-12 schools since 2003. She has done recruitments, inductions, training, workshops for above 1000 schools. She is also a qualified Teacher, Author, TedX Speaker, Life-coach, NLP Practitoner, Social Worker and Motivator.