While the world is busy dealing with Covid and its various variants, there is a new variant of the dreaded coronavirus. The pandemic has affected all age-groups; more so the school going community. As per 4-H Youth Mental Health Survey conducted last year in US by Harris Poll. 7 out of 10 teenage participants said that they were struggling with their mental health in some way. 50% said they experienced anxiety while 43% identified that they struggled with depression.
Education Advisor
(Independent) At Shri Ram
Global Schools,
- Screen time for teenagers has increased from 6 hrs per day to 9 hrs per day. For younger kids it has increased more than 90 %.
- Kids are experiencing loss without their traditional school, extra-curricular activities & social lives.
- Catching glimpses of news, kids can directly or indirectly sense that something is wrong with the world. Negative images in the news can create a sense of confusion & fear.
Age specific issues faced by our students
Pre –Primary students have almost no physical activity which is making them aggressive. Break in usual routine has disturbed their sleep patterns. Their attention span is too low for online classes and with zero sensory engagement, they feel lost.
Middle School Students peer interaction is missing which has affected their socioemotional growth. Amid no physical activity & excessive screen time they are also facing early adolescence issues.
Senior school students are anxious about the future, career & university admissions. Their online relationships & breakups have become even more painful. In the lack of the presence of their friends, their natural way of being resilient has widely affected their personalities.
What teachers & parents can do?
For age group 2- 6 yrs, cartoon theme based virtual play dates can be organised by teachers. Parents can engage kids into activities which involve sensory engagement of touch, taste & smell. Most importantly, give your child a sense of safety & security through your behaviour. Use non-verbal cues such as smiles, hugs, winks, nods, baby talks, cute name calling.
For age group 7-12 yrs, let kids take a lead in setting their day plan and any family activity. Teach resilience to your kids by sharing experiences & reading stories. The idea is to make them accept what is not in their control and not to stress about it. Limit their news exposure as they do not have the emotional maturity to understand what they are viewing.
With teenagers 13-17 yrs age-group, address issues happening in the world and try to give logic to kids before they misinterpret. Ask direct questions such as- “How are you feeling?” What are you struggling with?” Let them know that it is okay to have mixed feeling. Treat them like adults. Seek their opinions & try to consider them also. Keep a check on some actions which you might be taking and affecting the child unknowingly. Such as talking about the pandemic more than necessary or over discuss pessimistic topics with relatives on. Don’t disturb the daily routine not only for academic record but to give a sense of security to the children.
Meditation, art, music, healthy diet, good sleep and exercise go a long way.