As the private schools plan to re-open offline classes on odd-even roll number rule, the parents cry foul as all the students including primary ones will have to sit for six hours during online classes during this time.
The schools are likely to reopen classes by mid-April, however, the Parent’s Association claimed that the Covid-19 cases are rising and the students who are not willing to go to school for their own safety will have to sit online classes for a longer period of time.
“The reopening of classes by private schools is only for money. These schools have earned so much money over the years and now they are risking the health of their own students by not only reopening classes but also by enforcing mandatory six-hour screen time for students,” said Neeti Srivastava, President, Parents’ Association.
Parents across the country are wary of sending their children to school in the current environment as the Covid-19 cases are on the rise once again and many states have taken the decision to shut down offline lessons for junior classes during this time.
Primary students in online classes
Many members of the Parents’ Association have also complained about how students of primary classes are being expected to attend online classes from home for a duration of six hours.
“Think about the children of the primary section, how will they participate in online classes, that will run simultaneously as offline ones, for full six hours. How will these kids attend classes for six hours,” said Srivastava.
She further added, “Have they lost all humanity, can’t they understand that small children will have a really bad effect on their health if they sit for such long hours for online classes?”
The schools have been allowed to reopen their premises and resume offline classes. So far, only secondary classes were functional but now the schools are planning to operate all classes on an odd-even basis.
The attendance, however, will not be maintained for official purposes, those who are not coming to school will have to attend online classes, which will run from the classrooms with other students, for six hours. Many schools have planned to go for a six-day-a-week system. The Parents’ Association said they will take up the issue with the administration.