The Fazilka district administration in Punjab has launched a ‘bag-free day’ initiative in government primary schools to promote creativity and provide a stress-free learning environment for students. Beginning a few days ago at Government Primary School, Ekta Colony in Abohar, this initiative allows students to leave their school bags at home on the last Saturday of every month.
On these ‘bag-free’ days, traditional classes are replaced with co-curricular activities such as rafting, storytelling, class discussions, and yoga. Fazilka District Education Officer Shiv Pal emphasized that these activities aim to promote a stress-free learning experience, foster creativity, and support the holistic development of children.
Fazilka Deputy Commissioner Senu Duggal highlighted the significance of these activities in teaching teamwork, communication skills, and manners. She described the initiative as a step towards creating a more engaging and interactive environment for students, benefiting both their mental and physical health.