Teachers are the actual creators…Wow! How nice it sounds to my ears today, but 34 years ago when I entered into this profession, was I ready to be a teacher? Not at all. I can say I took up this profession because it was said to be the only noble profession. But as I look back today and see how many memories I have been able to make, it swells my heart with pride. I have touched the lives of several students who are in varied professions in different parts of the world. Looking for new ways to connect with students was my biggest challenge, as in my era there was no internet when I started teaching. So, I had to sift through encyclopedias, newspapers, and journals, and have discussions with other teachers. The idea was to make classes interesting and reach out to every student in the classroom. Marks mania is largely seen in many middle-class homes, where students are compelled to study just to get marks, and they are not allowed to blossom naturally.
Let’s now strive hard to bind all stakeholders with a common vision for growth. Make our students mentally, spiritually, and emotionally strong. The need of the hour is holistic growth.