Chief Minister M.K. Stalin announced on Friday that the Tamil Nadu government will cover the higher education costs for students from state government schools who gain admission to esteemed institutions across the country.
He stated that the government would also cover the initial travel expenses for students from state government schools who enrolled in prestigious institutions abroad. A total of 447 students from these schools have been admitted to institutions both in India and overseas. Among them, 14 students have enrolled in higher education institutions in countries like Japan, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Additionally, students have gained admission to Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and National Institutes of Technology (NITs).
He praised both the parents and teachers for the students’ accomplishments. Speaking to the foreign officials attending the event, he urged them to treat the students “as their own children” and to offer them full support.
Mr. Stalin also added that in 2022, 75 students gained admission to such institutions. This number increased to 274 in 2023. So far this year, 447 students have been admitted, and the admission process is still ongoing at many institutions.