The coronavirus pandemic has affected people in several ways and has also resulted in the way humans perceive. With its adversity, the pandemic also made people empathize with animals and value human relations. However, none could escape the pangs of fear, concern and worry.
It was sad to see and hear jokes on X & XII Graders who were mocked at, by being called the ‘Covid batch’. Little do we realize what they have gone through – the uncertainty and anxiety of the Board Examination, ever changing decisions, fluctuating domestic situations.
Rani Thippavazzula
Academic Director
Ravindra Bharathi Group
These changes led to a range of emotional reactions – unhealthy behaviour and deviant psychiatric symptoms. Worried parents sought the support of professional counselors, but all online. Unattended mental health issues may affect home, school and the community at large, in the long run. Our juvenile homes are a testimony to this.
On the other hand, what needs to be applauded is the way students have adopted and adapted themselves overnight, to the online mode of learning, to face struggles, to refrain from meeting people, to share love and pray. The one life lesson they have learnt is resilience. Their tough situations have taught them what life is all about.
Sound mental health is an important aspect of children’s well-being, inculcating social skills and achieving developmental milestones, altogether. It is important for educators to be utmost empathetic towards students in the post-Covid era because the way we deal with them will have a great impact on the way they learn, behave or handle their emotions.
Teachers who can provide support systems and bridge the learning gaps will help restore confidence among their students.
While grief, social isolation, increased screen time and fatigue due to parental hovering has negatively affected the mental health of children of all age groups; these can be replaced with family, friends and teachers who shower rays of faith, hope, love, healthy conversations, fruitful engagement, a pat on the back, hand holding, immense guidance for learning, living and stabilizing themselves and their families. Teachers who can provide support systems and bridge the learning gaps can help restore confidence among their students.
I would call these students the strongest, the most resilient and the best. They are prepared to face any situation in life, go through any turbulence and accept any change that comes their way. Instead of blaming students and labeling them, let us help them get rid of their sedentary lifestyle by being calm and soothing care givers. As adults, let us give them a sense of reassurance and teach them to be relaxed and focused during tough times. We need to stand by and accept their changing emotions and give them a room to express their feelings.