Time for a digital detox

S Ahmmed
It may sound weird if we learn about the newest rehabilitation centres finding their place among some of the technocratic societies in western parts. Let us not say it is due to ‘advent of technology’ but admit that we are reckless. Like we say prevention is better than cure let us beware of this astute threat that befalls our young ones at the earliest beckon.

Physical and mental rehabilitation centres accompanied by ‘Digital Rehabs’ which are adding much to our surprise or annoyance. In western countries, these centres de-addict the school going children from their unjust digital gadgets utilities calling it ‘Digital Detox.’ Time for a digital detox Time for a digital detox Time for a digital detox

Many across the world and also in India are asserting its adverse effects since couple of years but it has drawn researchers’ attention when the new terms like ‘Phone Neck’ and ‘Text thumb’ added to the recent medical terminology.

Ignorance towards the effects of recklessly indulging in a
tech-savvy world has given rise to the need for a new age rehab

Child counsellors too are worried about it as the Phone Neck disorder deprives the attention span and can cause cervical issues in long term whereas Text Thumb affects students’ efficacy of holding a writing tool.

We all know that technology is a double-edged knife. We are using the other edge and so are our children. We communicate, text, mail and even play on our smart phones in addition to these innumerable apps of different purposes and causes are alluring young and old equally. It’s undeniable fact that on an average 80% of our manual works are digitally accessible. Banking, reservations, paying bills, tracking adults’ health reports, children’s school progress and even paying fees are just a touch away.

Even in middle class, a child going for primary school handling smart phone has become either parents’ pride or an intellectual parameter is the core of the problem we are facing today.

Excessive exposures to the light, especially by the digital gadgets. LED lights intrude the rhythm of children’s biological clock. Different lights have different wave lengths but the frequency of blue light that emits from smart phones, tabs and monitors can potentially disturb students’ circadian rhythm.

What circadian rhythm is?

Well, in layman’s language it is called Biological Clock and in medical language Circadian Rhythm. It controls body’s auto Bio-Mechanisms like sleep, blood pressure, temperature, appetite, motion, mental alertness, etc.
have associated with Circadian Rhythm. Many hormones’ secretion and functions rely on circadian rhythm, for instance melatonin hormone that helps in sleep.

When our eyes perceive such digital screen light contrary to the circadian rhythm’s pattern and time, mind interprets it as a day light and gives signal to the body so that the entire biological sequences tumble down and make way for further ailments. The major assured threats are as shown below:

Vision Problems: The changes in colour scheme of monitors and distance of the mobile screens strain retina. Retina’s sudden and irregular expansions to the high waved light and contractions to low waved light results in multiple visionary ailments. Ultimately these children lag in academic performances.

Juvenile Obesity: Screen addicted children usually prefer a cosy seating and a lot of junk to munch on. Screen time arrests children’s physical activities which promotes their metabolic rate and healthy growth. School going children who are diagnosed with juvenile obesity tend to have low self-esteem, inferiority and lack of energy in curricular activities and at some point of the time or other they become laughing stock for the peers.

Sleep Disorders: Our mind and body rejuvenate during the sound sleep so that they function to the fullest during day. LED light reverses sleep rhythm. These children suffer from trouble sleeping; insomnia is quiet heavy term for them. On the pretext of not getting sleep they spend late nights on smart phones and next day they appear disinterested and lethargic. Spending late hours on smart phones has pre-teen behavioural issues. It’s also a great concern of the time. The aimless usage of phones leads to digital adultery.

Excessive exposures to the light, especially to the digital gadgets’ LED lights intrude the rhythm of children’s biological clock

Loss of Social Skills: We often see screen addicted children are spotted in a lonely corner around. Though they make their way into family members on inevitable circumstances like dining and casual gathering nothing can divert their attention from the phones. Such children are prone for poor inter and intra personal skills. Meanwhile people around tag them ‘reserved or unsocialised’. The immature ones consider themselves as the same and keep themselves away from people. Socialisation is a part of 21st century’s education.

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