TRSMA Appeals to retain CGPA System in the Interest of Student Well-being

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The Government of Telangana has recently announced its decision to replace the current CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) system with a marks-based assessment pattern from the academic year 2024-25. Additionally, the government has decided to scrap the 20% weightage given to internal assessments. While the Telangana Recognized School Managements Association (TRSMA) acknowledges the intent to bring reforms in the education system, it strongly advocates for the retention of the CGPA system, considering its significant benefits for students’ mental well-being and holistic development.

According to TRSMA State caretaker president , Sadula madhusudhan the CGPA system has proven to be a child-friendly assessment model that reduces the stress and pressure associated with high-stakes exams. It allows students to focus on learning rather than chasing marks, thereby fostering a balanced approach to academics.

Key Points Highlighted by TRSMA:

1.Stress-Free Learning:
The CGPA system helps in alleviating the undue pressure of scoring high marks, enabling students to focus on concept-based learning and skill development. Transitioning to a purely marks-based system could reintroduce unnecessary stress, leading to anxiety and burnout among students.

2.Comprehensive Evaluation:
CGPA ensures that students are assessed on various aspects, including projects, assignments, and regular classroom participation, making it a more holistic approach to learning. Removing this system may limit the scope for recognizing students’ diverse capabilities.

3.Flexibility for All Learners:
The grading system provides flexibility, especially for average and below-average students, as it avoids categorizing them based solely on marks. It encourages all students to improve without feeling discouraged.

4.Proposal for a Balanced System:
TRSMA supports the government’s decision to remove the 20% weightage for internal assessments, as it might simplify the evaluation process. However, it strongly urges the retention of the CGPA system alongside the proposed reforms to strike a balance between simplifying assessments and ensuring student well-being.

We request the government to reconsider its decision and retain the CGPA system for the benefit of future generations.”

TRSMA remains committed to working with the government to create an education system that fosters both academic excellence and mental well-being for students.

Sadula Madhusudhan
Caretaker President
(Telangana Recognised School Managements Association)

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