The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) is about to announce the UP Board Result 2024 shortly. Once declared, students in Class 10 and 12 can check and download their results from the official websites, which are and The UP Board conducted Class 10 and 12 exams from February 22 to March 09, 2024. Paper evaluation for these exams was completed by March 31, 2024, with a total of 1,47,097 examiners assessing answer sheets in just 13 working days. For high school exams, 94,802 examiners evaluated 1.76 crore answer sheets, while 52,295 examiners assessed 1.25 crore answer sheets for the intermediate examination.
This year, a grand total of 58,85,745 candidates signed up for the Uttar Pradesh Board High School (Class 10) and Intermediate (Class 12) examinations. Among them, 31,16,487 students registered for high school while 27,69,258 opted for intermediate exams. In the UP board exams of 2024, several strict measures were implemented to prevent cheating and misconduct. Notably, approximately 3,24,008 candidates were absent from the exams, comprising 1,84,986 high school students and 1,39,022 intermediate students.
Once the UP Board Result 2024 is announced, candidates can visit the following websites to download their scorecards: