US Teachers Protest Against School Re-opening in Pandemic


Teachers from more than 35 US school districts on Monday protested against reopening of schools even as positive cases roar in the country. Previously, US President Donald Trump had called for a mass reopening of schools in August and September as a strategic part of his re-election campaign. The protests by US teachers are being carried on from private cars.

In Chicago, Philadelphia and Milwaukee, teachers honked their cars in unison as a sign of protest against school resumption.

“I do not want to put my students or myself in harm’s way. I do not want to be an experiment,” commented Andrea Parker, Chicago elementary school teacher.

Teachers demand to call off in-person classes until scientific data vouches for its safety. Implementation of safety protocols such as virus testing kits, deployment of counsellors and nurses and establishing lower class sizes are some of the key demands made by the teachers.

“Here lies a third-grade student from Green Bay who caught COVID at school” and “RIP Grandma caught COVID helping grand kids with homework,” twitted Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association by protesting with fake gravestones.

“I don’t have confidence in anyone who stands there while the President says swallow Lysol and it’s going to cure your virus,” comments House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi.

Keeping into consideration the threats imposed by such unprecedented times, faculties are demanding better financial assistance for parents in needs including arrangement of mortgage and rent and fund allocation.

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