By Aishwarya Rao
The Vivekalaya Group of Institutions
Life today offers us a multi dimensional experience of everything whether it be games, television, music or food for that matter. We have evolved to become a species where a singular sensorial experience is no longer enough. However, education and the schooling experience have been one of the few that has remained relatively loyal to their original formats. With every few years, lone warriors deciding to reinvent the way education is delivered to the masses. However, there has been steady progress in the experience of education. We have ventured into the foray of virtual learning, absorbing and delivering content online. We have taken education from books to videos and beyond.
So how will a three dimensional gaming experience impact or affect education? One can hope that it will give the learner an interactive and involving session.
Gaming has the ability and opportunity to take the learner through a hands-on learning session.
What needs to be considered is that the program must be a well designed exercise which concentrates on experiential learning and is not conquest based, through which students can benefit from a relatively realistic imbibing of subjects. Imagine if we are able to show students the Amazon or the Arctic through a comprehensively designed experience. The gaming experience can further enhance interest in subjects, if set in manners like a 3D movie experience with added activity and participation. The popularity of the multiverse concept is well known. It is similar to a virtual interactive experience, so perhaps while the idea of gaming can be excluded and instead a virtual interactive experience is built, the student can certainly benefit from the interaction.
This will certainly be a boon to all subjects especially the Sciences and History or Geography. This avenue will elevate education to being a 21st century sensorial experience.