On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we bring you some of the most notable and distinguished women eduleaders from the education industry to share their incredible journey, insights, and experiences. Here are the excerpts from the interview
Parvathi Reddy R
Harvest Public School, Khammam, Telangana
We are living in an era, where women are creating history. There’s no field where women are not making a mark. However, many women are still confined to the household chores. It restricts the ambitions of a simple woman, clipping her hopes of becoming a literate woman. Amazingly, even an illiterate woman can sustain herself and her family heroically in adverse conditions.
Basically, a woman is strong psychologically and morally than any man and education adds excellence to their personality. Women have inbuilt fighting spirit and are capable to counter attack in danger. To undermine a woman’s strength is to heap contempt towards mankind on the whole.
On leadership
My journey began in the year 1997. I am always passionate towards teaching that made me a maths faculty for+2 students along with my services to Harvest public school as a director till 2006. When the school was in need of a new Principal, I was the choice of the correspondent and the rest of the directors. Since then, I have been serving as the school’s Principal and Director. I always believe in the professional up gradation of the faculty as it is the faculty that takes the pedagogical programme forward, implement, analyse and assess it. When the faculty is empowered and updated, the school’s standard rises.
My motive always remains to appreciate and compliment my staff members and students for their achievements, boost their morale and create a positive environment. I also try to reach out the concerns and apprehensions of the faculty to an extent possible and sort them out within my spheres.
Girls in our school are always independent and are involved in all the programmes giving no room for any bias. They play, take part in the school elections, and participate in cultural events with full freedom. Their opinions are considered in the student talks and in all the school based occasions. The school strives to preserve their confidence and positive attitude and thrives to sustain them.